Free public Wi-Fi is so convenient, but have you ever thought about how it can compromise your security? In this article we show you how you can reduce the risks you face when using your laptop, smartphone, or tablet when you are out and about. We’ve all been there, stuck without a data connection when Read More
Smart Top 10 Backup & Recovery Tips
Know your business requirements: How long a company need to keep its backups is based on legal and operational requirements for each type of system. Keeping the backups for longer than required will unnecessarily increase storage costs. Keep IT simple: The most reliable backup systems are the simple ones. Over complicating your backup routine, makes Read More
PuTTY security patches
PuTTY releases an update. PuTTY has released the latest version of its software that includes security patches for 8 high-severity security vulnerabilities. PuTTY is a popular, widely used open-source client-side program that allows users to remotely access computers over SSH, Telnet, and Rlogin network protocols. According to their website all previous versions of PuTTY software Read More
Office 365 users…
Don’t be lost with insufficient data backup Did you know that Microsoft does not back up and recover your Office 365 emails or files as standard? And that instead you need a backup solution! This includes: Emails Attachments Contacts Calendars OneDrive accounts Sharepoint document libraries. Without a backup solution, once your emails or files are Read More
Hold your most engaging business meeting yet!
Smart’s top tips! Meetings are an essential part of any business and are important for effective communication with colleagues, teams, and stakeholders. The issue with meetings is if you’re not careful, they can be a bit dull. We all know the drill, hour-long meetings with bucket loads of information being thrown at you that can Read More
Get Cyber Essentials accredited
1 in 5 businesses unaware of the benefits of Cyber Essentials accreditation A recent independent study has highlighted that a worrying number of UK businesses still aren’t aware of the benefits of the Government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme. Almost 1 in 5 IT managers reported that they were unaware of how Cyber Essentials compliance could help Read More
Ethernet, what is it and why could you benefit from using it in your home office?
Ethernet, what is it and why could you benefit from using it in your home office? Crazy to think that we are nearing a year of home working! A concept that most businesses hadn’t previously considered pre-covid. Many companies have seen the benefits that working from home can bring. Less time wasted in meetings, less Read More
Cyber Attack
NATIONAL CRIME AGENCY ISSUES WARNING ON GAMEOVER ZEUS AND CRYPTOLOCKER You have probably heard on the news about the impending cyber attack affecting computers in the UK, there’s no need to panic, just follow this simple advice from William Rendell, our Technical Director: “Firstly let’s not panic, this infection is not as new as we are Read More
Covid-19 update 17.03.2020
Covid-19 update 17.03.2020 The team at Smart Computers understand that our customers may be worried about the impact of Coronavirus (Covid 19) and the ability for the Smart team to operate ‘business as usual’. Following the Government announcement on 17th March 2020, we are taking measures to ensure both our staff and our customers are Read More
Adobe Flash End of Life – What you need to know
Important information if you run any Adobe Flash programmes. Flash to HTML5 — What the End of Life for Flash means for you On December 31, 2020, updates and distribution of Adobe Flash will stop. Why? Adobe Flash hasn’t been the most secure product. While Adobe has kept up with patching zero day Read More
Microsoft issue a rare Windows XP patch
A story was released on IT News on 14th May 2019 that Microsoft have issued a rare patch for Windows 7 and XP. Microsoft is warning users to apply a critical patch for a remote code execution vulnerability that could attack older versions of Windows. They have warned that the exploit can trigger even when Read More
Keep safe online this BLACK FRIDAY/CYBER MONDAY
There’s no denying there are some really genuine deals to be had over Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s forecast that consumers will spend millions online as they kick off (like us), add to or finish their Christmas shopping while picking up some bargains, but sadly in this day in age it’s also the perfect Read More
Cyber Essentials
We take IT security seriously. It’s our job to! We regularly undergo rigorous testing as a business, and are proud to have added to our impressive list of awards, the certification in Cyber Essentials. What is Cyber Essentials? Cyber Essentials is a Government backed scheme. To obtain the certification, we had to prove that we Read More
Impressive, Professional, Polite
“I would have no hesitation in recommending Smart Computers” Transport and Logistics company – Driver Hire required a projector at short notice. They found the Smart Rental Service by doing an online search. Neville Thomson of Driver Hire had this to say about Smart and the service he received: “I was very impressed by the Read More
SCAM Awareness Month – July 2016
THERE’S ONLY ONE YOU; KEEP IT THAT WAY! Do you know how to protect yourself against identity crime? Identity theft is the UK’s fastest-growing method used to carry out criminal activity and the internet provides numerous opportunities for fraudsters to harvest the personal data of unsuspecting members of the public. Once a criminal has your details they can Read More
The ideal partner for Production Companies
As you may have read in our previous articles, renting a laptop has many advantages over buying – especially for businesses who need to scale up and/or down their IT requirements regularly; or for companies who need a large number of machines in one go, would rather spread the cost and have peace of mind Read More
Hire a projector for your training needs
Hiring a projector from Smart Computers Do you have any up and coming training days planned? Perhaps you want to get the team up to speed with the new General Data Protection Regulations. Or you want to update your teams on Quarter 1 results… Whether you want to: make a standout presentation, ensure that your Read More
Smart Computers supporting the 2017 Hamper Scamper appeal
SMART COMPUTERS GIVE A HELPING HAND TO GLOUCESTERSHIRE BASED CHARITY CCP In December 2016, Smart Computers formed a partnership with local charity CCP. Donating time, services and much needed funds to this very worthwhile cause. We’re pleased to say that we have chosen to continue this support throughout 2018. CCP will remain as our charity Read More
Important information if you’re using Windows 7
Did you know that every Windows product has a lifecycle? The lifecycle begins when a product is released and ends when it’s no longer supported. This is the point in which Microsoft will no longer provide automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance. This means that from this date your PC is more at risk from Read More
NCSC: One year on
PRESS RELEASE FROM OUR PARTNERS ESET After the first year in operation, the National Cyber Security Centre has had more than 1,000 incidents reported. Highlighting the severe increase in cybercrime and the UK’s attempts of blocking it. GCHQ launched the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) last year to be the UK’s authority on cyber security. The NCSC Read More
Which rental laptop is for me?
A Core i3 vs i5 vs i7 When choosing which of our Rental Laptops or Rental Computers is right for you, you have the choice of the following processors: Core i3, Core i5 and a Core i7 But how do you know which option to choose? Firstly, let’s start by explaining what a processor is. Read More
Glossary of Cyber Scam terms
Do you know your Trojan from your Zombie? You may be mistaken in thinking we are talking about the latest Dr Who series, but no, these terms relate to Cyber Scams and awareness. When it comes to cyber security there are a multitude of phrases and acronyms to learn and remember that all mean different things. Smart Read More
Welcome to Nicole
Big welcome In our 22nd year of business, we are continuing to grow here at Smart. Over the past year we have been getting busier and busier and as a result have recently recruited a new starter to strengthen the team. So a BIG welcome goes out to Nicole, our new Accounts and Administration Assistant. Read More
Windows 10 to offer update ‘snoozes’
Ever been in the middle of working on something really important or to a tight deadline and your laptop/computer decides to do a security update that you can’t stop? It can be really annoying and disruptive, but in this age of data theft via unsecure systems, these updates are vital, as important as checking if Read More
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation that is being implemented in to UK law in May 2018. The European Parliament, European Council and the European Commission are enforcing the regulation to strengthen and unify data protection for individuals. Why is the General Data Protection Regulation Read More
Important information if you are using Windows 10 version 1507
What’s happening to Windows 10 version 1507? From 9th May 2017, Windows 10 devices running version 1507 will no longer receive security and quality updates. The following editions are affected: Home Pro Education Enterprise Since its release in July 2015, Microsoft has released two feature updates that build upon each other, delivering new features and Read More
Your business has been infected by Ransomware, now what?
Ransomware: it’s scary, it’s growing fast, its big business and no business or employee is immune from a potential attack. In a nut shell, ransomware drops an encrypted wall between a business and the internal data and applications that the business needs to operate. But these attacks can be far more serious than simply the Read More
Safer Internet Day 2016
Today is Safer Internet Day! Join the global celebration – Play your part for a better internet. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. Globally, Safer Internet Read More
Microsoft update KB-3114409 with Outlook 2010 causes Havoc
“In Outlook 2010, all of my options were reset to their defaults and when I change them, the changes don’t stick. As soon as I close my Outlook and restart it, everything is back to its default” Customers report that installing KB 3114409 forces Outlook to start in safe mode when in fact this update Read More
Techno Jargon Buster
The launch of any new technology seems to bring with it its own diction. A mythical language that only a fraction of the population understand. Who knows their cloud from their hosting? And what is it that they actually do? Luckily our support team here at Smart Computers know the ins and outs of Read More
What does a computer virus actually do?
No doubt you’ve heard of a computer virus, you may have been on the unfortunate end of one or know someone who has, but what is it and how can you prevent your PC from getting one? We’ve pulled together a useful summary with some hints and tips to help you out… What is a Read More
Windows 10
Windows 10 marks a “new era” for personal computing, Microsoft’s chief executive has said. The software, launched globally on Wednesday, is the company’s attempt to reverse its fortunes in the mobile industry. Windows 10 will be offered as a free upgrade to most consumers. However, companies will have to pay for their version, as will Read More
Smart supporting the CCP Easter Egg appeal
CCP Easter Egg appeal We are proud to have supported our charity of the year, CCP, with their annual Easter Egg appeal. Along with many other local Gloucestershire businesses and individuals, we helped to donate a fantastic total of 3,991 Easter Eggs. All of the eggs were passed on by CCP to disadvantaged children and families, young Read More